Monday, 14 November 2016

Jim is a tall man with a big brother called GIBBY. GIBBY is small like a dwarf but fast and scary. They travel all over the universe to stay away from Captain Blurp. His head is the size of a mountain but his body is like a mouse. Jim and GIBBY have a base on a big planet called Ploto. Their base is called the G J Tower.

Bang bang! Jim shot down the mini ship. All was silent. The aliens retreated to space for now. “We need to find the beast,”  said Gibby “It's on Glorp,” said Jim. They both walked to their ship called the Tie-fighter. It is small and zippy with two blasters on each side. Inside there is one seat on each side. One for the driver and one for the shooter.

Later that day they took off to search for the beast on Glorp. While they made their way to Glorp Captain Blurp was gathering an army and building ships.

Captain Blurp will do anything to win. When Jim and GIBBY got there, it was dark and cold like a cave. They hid their ship behind some boulders and only took a few guns. After one hour of walking they reached Begoo City. It’s the biggest city on Glorp. The city zoo is where they keep the beast locked up.

The next day they hid guns in their jackets and headed to the zoo . Both of them had to pay $20 to get in. Searching the zoo was the hardest because it was huge. There was 100m just for one animal! It took them half an hour to get to the office. Jim asked the man where the beast was kept
“It is over in block 23, 2km away,” said the man. Captain Blurp started to make a mega ship called the Core Crusher because it crushes the core of a planet. Before Jim and Gibby got to the block a hologram came out of the stone floor. It was Captain Blurp
“We are coming for you. We know where you are because when we were fighting, one of my soldiers put a tracking device on your ship, so you better have prepared for the battle.” Both Jim and GIBBY sprinted to the the cage. The beast was sleeping. Zap! Blurp was there. The beast popped up. It ran to Jim and GIBBY and flipped them onto his back. GIBBY got his Gatling Gun out and went bananas.
“Stop!” shouted GIBBY. He jumped off the beast then smacked it’s tail. It ran to the ship and hid. GIBBY didn't stop shooting. Aliens got shot every second. Tink tink. He was out of bullets so he ran to the ship. They got in and drove as low  to the ground as they could to get away. Five minutes into their retreat Jim remembered he left the beast behind. Five days later they went back to Glorp. It was empty. Over at the boulders the beast lay dead with a boulder on it.

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